If the diameter of a wheel is 70cm. How many metres will the cycle travel if the

the circumference of a wheel is equal to the 2 * the radius * Pi
and since the radius is half of the diameter, you could just say:
diameter * Pi (Pi = 3.14....)
That is how many cm a wheel has turned in a revolution.

So 50*70cm*3.14 = 10995.5743 cm in 50 revolutions.

If you want to convert centimeters to meters, all you have to do is divide by a hundred.

10995.5734 cm / 100 = 109.955734 meters.
First calculate the circumference of the wheel. It's a circle, so use the formula C = pi * d = 2 * pi * r.

Circumference = C = 70cm * pi = .70m * pi = 0.70pi

Now multiply that by 50:

0.70pi * 50 = 35 * pi meters = 109.9 meters = 110 meters

That's your answer, really depends on how accurate you want it as far as rounding is concerned.