If the pope don't playa the game why shoulda he make the rules?

So what your are saying is that men, virgins or with experience, shouldn't care about unborn living human beings. Some women also say that those without a uterus shouldn't have a say. All the men today who don't care about children, their own, the unborn or anyone elses, are bad human beings. I don't play politics but I sure care about what is going on around me. Wise up.
It's not a game and all the man is trying to do is set objective standards for his flock to follow. Who are you to tell an ancient denomination on how to conduct their affairs of moral standards?
Faith, sex, living, and love are not games. They are part of life and if one is going to make a game out of love, or make a game out of sex, or make a game out of faith then they are going to get burned, and I'm not talking about "Sheol" or "Hell" here, but immediate reactions to the individual's actions here and now.
That specific denomination has standards in regards to adulteries, marraige, procreation, and pre-marital sex. If the individuals within or without the denomination disagree? Then they should find another venue for their so called "spiritual quests". But outright criticism is not conducive to changing anyones mind on their own personal opinions.
I was born a Catholic, raised a Catholic, and left the Catholic church because of certain dogma within catholicism. I have not left the Christ's church, but I have many things that I disagree on with in that denomination. Adultery, procreation, premarital sex, and marraige are not on the list of disagreements with the Roman Catholic denomination.
There are some things I agree with the leader of the Catholics.
If the men and women of his congregation (read the whole denomination here) do not abide by the scriptures concerning the welfare of their sexual lives then they should abstain from criticism and leave the the flock.
I do not abide by a lot of their dogma concerning the worship of God and the Christ Jesus so I left. But I do not publicly criticize the leader for his stands on the welfare of his flock.
In regards to the AIDS problem? Promiscuity is the problem, not the rubber things they do or don't wrap around their sex organs.