if you could be any celebrity?

Mariah Carey or Beyonce because they are beautiful, talented and most important VERY RICH!!!
I wouldn't mind being Nicole Kidman for a while....
she's gorgeous, tall, very talented -
all assuming I get to take my own brain and personality with me.
Because I like my mind.. it's a good mind. Put that into that kind of influential position and I could do a lot of good in the world..
all while looking smoking hot ;)
i would be gisele bundchen.
shes so beautiful.

or hayley williams from paramore.
she's naturally beautiful and she has an amazing voice.

or nicole scherzinger
None of them - because they are all wacked out tree hugging libs who think we should listen to them because they made more money with an uneducated talent.
The least popular one. With the most money relative to the little fame. Because celebs are huge sellouts and I just want the money.
If i could be a celebrity, i would want to be the child of angelina, gwenyth, brad and mcdreamy. I would be like gentically ensured to be super frigging H O T T !
I would be Oprah.
Everyone loves Oprah.
She has Plenty of money.
She seems happy with life.
People trust her.
I love Oprah. :)
I would be someone who can make a difference in the world. Someone who is generous with their earnings, and tries to help everyone.