If you dont smoke weed....?


New member
Sep 27, 2011
But your around it a lot, could you fail a drug test? Im looking for a new job and haven't been smoking but im around it a lot
It depends on how thick the smoke is and how much your inhaling and how often. It can show up but it will also get out of your system alot faster.
lol nope, it won't be in your blood stream or bodily fluids. don't think it would work as an excuse either XD haha, but yeah .no. it won't show in your system
Only if someone took a big hit and blew it right in your face (like an inch away from you), while you were to breathe it in and hold it (shotgunning it). Or if you were in a very small, closed in area with no ventilation (i.e. car with windows up). But you would know because of the buzz.
Yes because it's just like inhaling smoke from a cigarette someone is smoking. You may not get high but it goes in to your blood stream just the same and in your lungs too.
No my friend is on probation and is around it a lot and even occasionally smokes he passes...thing is for a job the thc lvl only has to be at a certain lvl to be passible meaning it can be in if system but not a lot of it