If you go down to the beach today

That is true, in eastern cultures respecting others is ingrained at an early age, however in western societies there is a me first attitude. I would suspect that say Japan would have no need for a law to keep people from getting hit with a projectile in a public area.
Great post, right on the money. Too many people these days think that their 'rights' mean that they can do whatever they want regardless of how it impacts other people.
Accident did happen. Similiar to frisbees, ancient Chinese like to throw square bag filled with steel balls with partners in the public park. One time my teacher was throwing bag with his group, an old lady passed by. During my teacher's body turning, he though she was a person in his group. He threw the bag toward her, that 23 lb bag hit on her head, and killed her.

throw bag - YouTube
As someone who lives in China, I can tell you how much respect I feel when everyone is pushing past each other just to get on a bus, or when I am walking down the street and nearly get hit by cyclist or someone on an E-bike when they could have used the wide open space to my left or right, or when I see some idiot in a BMW driving down a walking street beeping his horn at everyone.

The me first attitude is not limited to the western world.
Woe! I stand corrected. However, the earth quake in Japan showed how eastern culture deals well with adversity and from what I seen at the supply lines how patient the people were and courteous was a good example. I guess as China gets more westernized the bad habits will follow. I bet in the countryside in China there still is a more traditional behavior.
Don't be fooled! In the wrong hands a frisby can be pretty dangerous.

Frisbee Death - YouTube
I someone from California asks you not to pitch Frisbees or expose your balls at the beach, it probably has a more nefarious meaning than you realize. We're talking California after all.
I was at a beach last summer and an announcement said no balls in the water...as you can imagine the beach was no fun for me standing knee deep in the water.
There ought to be more nude beaches. The idea of wearing clothes to go swimming is a bloody silly remnant of victorian prudery.
Again, nobody's forcing you to look. Unless, that is, somebody is actually physically coming up to you and forcing their body in your face. Then I think you'd have valid grounds for complaint, but not otherwise.
Nobody is forcing me to look, but there is also nothing stoping them from entering my field of vision either.
If you don't have the fat people at the nude beach, who will you avert your eyes to to avoid embarrassing physiological reactions?