if you had the power to make everyone in the world lose their religion, would...


New member
Mar 22, 2009
...you do it? this is gonna inspire some ire :) but really, would you do it? or let humanity dig itself out of this 'godawful' mess?
I would, and then I would instill my beliefs into people and personify myself as a god and make everyone worship me!
Nah I don't think so. I doubt it'd do much good. I'd let people go on worshiping their imaginary friends. However I might eradicate what I and most other people see as some of the more ridiculous beliefs religious people have i.e. homosexuals are evil, sex outside of marriage means hell, etc.
why dont you read about nefertete who did just that and see how that went. I think that god gave her a place in his kingdom for it though as a punishment knowing she was not a believer he made her a servant. punishment was just. So if you want to be one of gods angels you may do so. but you may not like that if your a devil worshipper.
I think our government, and all the atheists and evolutionists are attempting to do this, and look at the state of the world, its worse of then it has ever been before!
Why would you want to take away someone's freedom to choose? You sound like satan. Seriously, that's what he wanted.
although i HATE christianity, most religions put some common sense into people and get them to act good.
if there were no religion wat golden rule would we live by?
No. The parts of religion that I find most disturbing are the parts that insist that their doctrines must simply be believed but don't feel as they need to offer reasons or proof.

Obviously, I wouldn't want to just waive a magic wand and make somebody not believe something. That would be just as dogmatic as telling them they must believe something or they are going to Hell.

The way I look at it is that science/the search for truth is a method not necessarily an end result. So even if you arrive at the right result, if you don't learn the proper method for getting there, then there is trouble somewhere down the road.