If you meet someone from a different religion...?

I can't be 100% sure if what anyone believes is right or wrong, even my own beliefs. I hardly make a topic of religion in real life conversation. I only answer when asked, and give my honest opinion. It doesn't make a difference to me what their beliefs are and I don't really care to change them.

I think everyone should have the right to have their own personal beliefs, the only thing that gets me is when people try to force their beliefs, w/e they might be, onto anyone else. But to be truthful, I don't find religion that much of an interesting topic in real life, and I probably wouldn't hang out with someone who talked about god or the big bang all the time.
well ask god at church or think that people may think and ask me as well but i don't have a clue or ask your parents they will know maybe but i dont have
Scripture says the God does not even hear the prayers of anyone not coming through his Son. It clearly states that Jesus is the only way to heaven. Should I believe that? I choose to.
i have met Hindus, i have met Jews. I have met so many people that worship so many different things, and yet all I can think when i think of how they dont worship maybe the same God as I do, I think, I hope that if they are wrong, and my God is the true God, I pray that they make it into heaven, and if I am wrong, then I hope that their God(s) allow me into their heaven.
There is only one true god and that is Zeus. All others are blasphemers and worship false idols ... they will surely burn in hell for all eternity.
The only way to the Father is through Jesus Christ. Muslims in their own bible confess that Jesus was the only man that walked the face of the planet that was perfect but they consider him a great prophet. Wierd if he is the only perfect man and muhammed was not why follow muhammed is'nt Jesus the perfect example. Their bible also says to do away with any people that do not believe in their religion (go to book store and buy a english version and read it for yourself) Jews are blind just like the rest of the world that does not believe in Jesus but not all, many Jewish followers are converting to christanity these days
It is not I that believe that their religion is wrong but the Word of God itself judges them not me or any other christian
I have many non christian friends. Are people on YA so shallow that they can have no friends that do not agree with their faith.
I have many non christian friends. Are people on YA so shallow that they can have no friends that do not agree with their faith.
Well, considering that I am Agnostic, I meet many people with a different belief system than mine. I don't care as long as they aren't beating me about the head with their chosen book and god until I succumb. You will find many who are religious who do think everyone who doesn't think like they do is wrong and destined to eternal damnation. There are several who've already answered your question, and I'm sure more to come. Many, many wars have been fought in the name of religion, so yes, there are many who think they are the only correct way and will even kill.

Jews don't believe in Hell though. Not sure about Muslims.