If you work outdoors in the sun, and get muscle cramps frequently, what can you do?


New member
Oct 3, 2008
I'm in good health, exercise a lot, but I sweat more than other men. I work in FL outdoors, sometimes for 12 hrs. or more, and I drink a lot of water, and often Gatorade-type drinks. I often get leg, side, abdomen, and even jaw? muscle cramps, that knock me down, big "Charle-horse" cramps. I take meds for high blood pressure, and I have arthritis, my ankles, mainly. I'm 48. I ride a bicycle, 5-15 miles, every day. Do electrolyte type drinks help? Table Salt? Salt pills? Potassium pills? I eat bananas often at work. This is getting to be a sticking point at my job, if I can't work later because of the cramps, they assume that I'm just making an excuse. They don't realize how much the cramps hurt, and that they often keep coming for hrs.once they start, even when resting, the night after work.