if your a Christian, is it wrong to be gay or bi?

No, being gay is not wrong.

Firstly, if it is a sin -- it still doesn't matter, the Bible talks about how we are all sinners and about how we all come short of the glory of God.

The Bible mentions homosexuality in the Old Testament only, in Leviticus. In Leviticus, it also talks about how eating shellfish is an abomination, as well as if certain garments are worn on certain days of the week. There's also a verse in Deutoronomy that says that a woman shall surely be put to death, if she has premarital sex.

I think it's safe to say we can all agree that the above are nonsense, and as such, so is the sentence on homosexuality.

The fact is is that the Bible talks about about honesty and loving thy neighbour than being gay. So, your answer to your question if you were to abstain and date a boy/girl dishonestly, I feel would hurt God more... at least if you are sinning (I don't think so but if you think it is), you are doing it openly, and not hiding it.

There's nothing wrong with believing in God and being gay... otherwise you could tell the same people who don't agree with the verses above that they, too, are not Christian.
I don't think so but I don't believe a lot of the stuff other Christians do.
okay, I am no longer a christian, but I was strictly raised a christian for most of my life. They teach you that being gay is a sin, and that you will go to hell for it. My church wouldn't even let gay people come to the services, and reminded us that "It was Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve." every single week. They think that it is one of the worst sins you could make, and that no one is born that way, and it is a choice that "confused" people make.