I'm 19 and have never learned to style my hair, use makeup, etc...advice please?


New member
Sep 21, 2011
Hi :) Like what the title says...I'm 19 and don't wear makeup except for a little mascara sometimes and eyeliner on bottom lid (not the waterline though). My hair is straight, goes a few inches past my shoulders and I never do anything with it except wash and it let it air dry. (I barely ever brush it either, only finger comb it w/ conditioner when in the shower). so my hair has lots of fly away and dries "wrong" many times.
I guess I tend to look sloppy :(
My facial features are very "classic" in the sense of what women look like in classic middle ages type paintings I guess..

so I guess I just want to know what are good basic ways to take care of my hair and any products I might want? I don't want to curl it (unless it was just by braiding or something), and I would only occasionally straighten it
also I don't want to start wearing lots of makeup, I just want my skin to look one color and healthy, and maybe a bit of green, purple or blue eye shadow (a teeny bit). plus a small amount of mascara and eyeliner. idk.
I really love natural/classic looks....

so any advice you can give me? thanks!!!