im 43 my sons 14 what would be something we could do together for building a...


New member
Jul 27, 2008
...lasting mom & son thing 4 fun ? we already go to movies, shopping and dinner .him and his dad do sports stuff, i just need something different to stay close to him
if you have the possibility take him to a short vacation to a place both never went to before
or renew the house with him
as a boy i always wondered why my mom joined my step dad and me on camping trips but rarely did much outside the preparation of the food and clean up... she never got too involved in the exciting stuff... piloting the boat... baiting the hooks... climbing the cliff near the far shore and recklessly jumping in..!
although we know mom's are ...well... moms... i had friends that bragged about how cool their mom's were cause they were even crazier than dad...
Amusement parks are a great way to bond. Or take a trip to one of his favorites places. Play video games with him

Just enjoy everything you two do together.

You sound like such a really loving mom and that is very special to me and I bet he is a really great kid all becasue of you.

I only wish my own mom had cared half as much about me as you do about him.
That is so sweet :)

One of my favorites things I did with my son was going to a place similar to chucky cheese, but it was not so much for little kids. He love beating me at all the games and of course he always did ;)

Anything you do with him alone, just the two, of you will be a bonding experience.

Ooh I love the previous answer, a trip would be awesome for you both!
That is so sweet :)

One of my favorites things I did with my son was going to a place similar to chucky cheese, but it was not so much for little kids. He love beating me at all the games and of course he always did ;)

Anything you do with him alone, just the two, of you will be a bonding experience.

Ooh I love the previous answer, a trip would be awesome for you both!