im a delivery driver that delivers cigs and tobacco items as well as groceries


May 24, 2008
to convient stores.? The other day I fell off my truck jumping down while a boox of cigarettes were on the back of truck. I didn't see anyone near my truck I got back up, brut that store cigarette count was right. When I got to the next store I was missing a full box of 30 cartons of cigarettes. My truck was lock at every stop. And I never saw anyone near my truck. And the truck is loaded by the warehouse. They claimed the box missing had been scanned and been on the truck. But they weren't there when I needed to deliver them. Would my employer have the right to not pay me or garnish my wages because of the cigarettes missing if there is no proof that I lost them? This has never happened to me before. I worked a 125 hours in two weeks. I would like to see that pay check. I won't if they can take my pay. I was arson never written up or disciplined in anyway
Your employer is not going to make you pay for the missing cigarettes... but it does not look good for your record when you lose a whole box of cigarettes. That means 30 cartons...

Never leave the truck unattended.... between the time it takes you to cart the first load of boxes into the store, unload them in the designated area and then go back to get the next load... somebody went into your truck and took the box of cigarettes. They aren't that heavy and it takes less than 2 minutes to park a car next to your unattended truck, run up the ladder into the cargo box, grab the box of cigarettes, run back down, throw the box into their trunk and take off...

Next time park the truck in a spot that can be seen by the store personnel or ask the store manager to keep an eye on the truck while you unload. The times when you could live the cargo bay wide open and go on about your business... ARE OVER.... I know for a fact, because we had numerous attempted thefts going on that involved unattended cars and delivery trucks.