I'm against the expressions be optimistic and think positive because it


Jun 11, 2008
precludes having a sense of humor.? Optimism or positive thinking requires a person to be insanely upbeat to the point of not even allowing negative thoughts to enter their mind. There's no way anyone can be an unbridled optimist and have a sense of humor because humor is based on human frailty. People who are amusingly offbeat make much better company than cockeyed optimists who are deadly dull automatons. Thoughts on this?
C'mon, it takes a good sense of humor
to be an optimist. Don't be so negative.
Where is your sense of humor?

---Humoring the negativities away!
I totally agree. Life is about striking a balance. A lot of the "optimists" I know are not happy inside. Reason being is that they stifle their emotions and ignore pain. You can only trick your mind so far. Plus, their attitude gets a little annoying and abrasive sometimes.

The best bet is to be real with yourself and others. Avoid whining, but don't beat other people over the head with your rainbow.