I'm embarresed of running during gym class.?


Mar 21, 2008
I'm really overweight and I have the flu so I couldn't go to school today and, of course with my luck, we had our fitness testing today. the 12 minute run. Tuesday (tomorrow) is the make up day and everyone is in the large field house where we do the make up 12 minute run and there will be a few people running who have to make it up too but I don't want my peers in my gym class to look at me run, I'd feel better if I ran with them so they don't really look at me. I get SO embarrassed :( How do I overcme this? please help.
1st of all, if you have the Flu today, it is NOT a good idea to do your fitness test tomorrow. You can't be ready that fast.

Anyway, here's what I would suggest. Start out at a pace where you can complete the entire 12 minutes without walking. 12 minutes is a long way for someone overweight so don't go out fast the first lap, die and walk the rest of the way. Start out at a jog, a pace that you can handle. Take it seriously, don't look around at anyone else, watch the track and don't forget......go at a pace you can handle. With 1 to 2 minutes to go (or a distance from which you know you can get to the finish line. I want you to start with a faster jog and finish gutting it out (as fast as possible.) Now this is tricky. You don't want to come across as a person that took it easy and sprinted at the end. I want you to run fast enough to be completely spent at the finish line. You'll get sympathy that way. If a person gives it 110% you'll be amazed at the response. It isn't the individual's size and speed that counts, it is the individual effort that people look at. (If you feel you can't keep the pace along the say, slow down a bit but try not to do a slow walk. But hey, if a walk is the best you can do then walk as fast as you can. put in the effort)