im interested in a way older guy....?


May 19, 2008
okay, there are soo many complications here, its rediculous....
im 18, the guy i like is 32. i like him, and i know he likes me.
we've talked about dating a couple times. we kiss and hold hands but never where anyone can see....
the main issue would be he's my bosses brother... we usually only see eachother at my work so we make sure no one really catches on..
he wont date me til im 19. i understand where hes coming from but it drives me crazy. im starting college soon and i think we could really have something good together despite the age difference. im really mature for my age.. i grew up raising my brother and sisters and have had a job since i was 15. we know almost everythign about eachother. im completely comfortable around him. i dont even know what else to say...
the problem would be he wont date me until 1) im 19 and 2) until he talks to my dad.(he's a huge gentleman)
me... im scared of what his sister (my boss) will think if anything happens....

what should i do?....

Your boss will be upset to find out her bro wants to date a younger woman who works for her.

He knows this and so wants to wait until you are 19. You have until then to find a guy to date. If you do, he may get jealous and want to date sooner.

Talk to your dad about this ahead of time to see what he will say. If he is against it, then your boss`s bro may not date you at all.
hun i have the same issue. except well mine arnt that much older but there is a 4-10 yr differ and im only 16. so go with your heart girl :)
If he wants to speak to your dad before pursuing a relationship with you, then that's okay with me. Normally men like this just want to use young girls for sex. But it seems like he's legitimately concerned with doing this the right way. I'd say wait until you're 19 and then find a new job.
I think that if you both are scared of the judgment of your families, that's a sign right there. You two seem to get along well, and that's great, but sometimes doesn't matter how mature you are for your age, you two are at very different points in your life. You're just going off to college and hes way past that stage of his life. I think you two should just keep things casual until you can both have some time to figure things out. It will probably just lead to heartbreak if you try things now.