I'm not religious and religions aren't perfect or a lack of them.Why is


New member
Jul 22, 2008
believing in nothing better than....? Why is believing in nothing better than believing in something? Do you people realize not being religious doesn't make you immune from the possibility of being wrong and that nevertheless Religions use the same reasoning you do for thinking murder, rape, stealing etc. are wrong. It's pretty weak to attack a view just because it happens to be religious. They aren't right about everything, but some very intelligent poeple are behind explaining why things like abortion are wrong. They do it so well that if you take the God aspect out of it and leave the premises that make common murder wrong, you arrive at the same conclusion of abortion being wrong. It is possible to be an athiest and pro-life.

I should correct myself though, liberals believe in ObAllah. Don't you people realize your work ethic has been instilled in you from past generations with a "religious puritan work ethic." Generalized religion bashing is stupid. You people are so hateful. Are you jealous? What is it?
I agree, completely. A non-theist isn't automatically better than a theist. I was religious, but not any more, but I don't feel a need to hate on religious people, at all. All the ones I know are good people.
How this the founding fathers used jew & Christan law as a pattern. BUT-ALSO BELIEVED IN SEPARATION OF CHURCH to keep religious ramblings out of government these guys were liberals. My problem is with right wing christians in government. And i pity those who ramble out of ignorance not hate.
How this the founding fathers used jew & Christan law as a pattern. BUT-ALSO BELIEVED IN SEPARATION OF CHURCH to keep religious ramblings out of government these guys were liberals. My problem is with right wing christians in government. And i pity those who ramble out of ignorance not hate.