I'm really interested in this guy and it's bothering me so much! Please, please...


New member
Jun 17, 2010
...help!? Here is what's going on:
I like a guy, we'll call him "Bob." I want to get to know him better, so I asked my friend "Dan" how I should go about getting closer to Bob. Dan told me I should ask Bob if I could smoke pot with him. So at the end of our class period (I'm in 12th grade) I asked Bob, he said yes and seemed really excited about it. We both had to go to our next class, so I said we could talk about this again the following day when I often see him in the hallways.
Next day - I walk into school, see Bob standing with one of his friends, I stop right next to Bob and say something along the lines of, "Hey, when can we hang out?" He said, "I need to talk to Dan and 'Mark' first." I was just like, "oh ok.. I'll talk to you later then."
The previous day he was so excited and the next he needs to "talk to" Dan and Mark before he hangs with me. What the f*** I don't get it?
I told Dan about this later on that day and he said Bob never mentioned anything like this to him before, and he doesn't know why Bob needs to talk to him and Mark first.
Bob still hasn't talked to either of them. I feel like Bob is thinking one of these three things:

1. Bob's shy, so maybe he wants to hang out in a group, not just alone with me. I can understand that, but why hasn't he asked Dan and Mark yet??

2. Bob seemed reallllly excited the first day to be spending time with me, but maybe the next day he had a drastic change of heart, and now he doesn't want to spend time with me, so he's making up excuses of why we can't hang and procrastinating until the last day of school (which is in a few days, so after that he probably won't have to worry about seeing me again). I just don't know if this one's true or not because he seemed to happy the first day.

3. He may think I'm a nark (which I'm not), but I don't know how to prove that I'm not. I've never smoked pot before, but I want to.

I asked Dan what he thinks is going on with Bob, but he doesn't know. What do you think is going on with him??

Also I don't need any, "pot's bad. bob's bad. forget him." It's no use saying stuff like that because I'm not going to listen.

Please help though, it's really bothering me :(
I never told him to his face that I like him. Just asking him to hang out and smoke was a hugee step for me. Anytime I want to go up and talk to him he's got friends around talking to him, so I can't.
I think he's trying to avoid you.

You could try acting unattainable or just tell him how you feel.

Just get him to be honest with you and tell you what's going since Dan isn't helping much.
i think he likes you, but doesnt know how to show it, he may be a little shy on girls, and to like a girl he has got to know if you like him to...

does he know that you like him, have you told him face to face? x
Oh my gosh, you sound like my situation a bit.

Okay, fisrt off, Bob sounds like a chill dude. Walk up to him, and just ask, whats all this about? then see what he says. just say, something like, I thought we were going to hang out, what happened?

And you should get Dan and Mark to talk to Bob for you. Get them to put in a good word, and say something like, Shes really cute, and if you dont get at her i will, or something like that. That almost always works.

And always remember, all guys are idiots. You just need to find an idiot that you don't mind putting up with

hope this helped :)
look don't do drugs there's better ways to hang out. (sorry but I had to say that) "bob" is probably a nice guy. He might be shy just like you said or maybe one of his friends talked him into staying away from you? that's all I could think of lol sorry not much.