I'm sick of Christians telling me my future is to be flame broiled on a BBQ grill...


New member
Aug 27, 2008
...because I'm not Christian? I guess that's why I get along with Wiccans, Pagans, Buddhists and others so readily, although Scientology might be one level below Christianity on the "scary" scale.

Your thoughts?
In my life, growing up in the Bible Belt, I have been Christian, Wiccan and Non-religious.
I can tell you that not all Christians condemn you.
My BEST FRIEND of seven years is Christian. She has stood up in church and defended my faith before.

I have, however, dealt with the type of people you are talking about.
It's best to ignore them, for they think they what's best for you, when in reality, only you do.

Also, a bit of advice:
Ranting about religion here in Answers is silly.
Get a blog.
yeah i know ... truth is usually hard to swallow.

but you can't change the truth ...

truth is truth .. like it or not.
I am a Christian and i do agree that you shouldn't judge nor do i believe that other should shove their religion down someones throat but I do think a person should live in accordance with the bible in order to get to heaven no matter what religion they practice.
Your probly right......some people just can't stand the truth...you may be one of them. Jesus is our only hope.

God loves you......God bless
Well, that's the deal. God didn't say, Oh yes! He didn't believe in me so I get to send him to hell!! He created hell just like how we created prisons. We don't WANT them filled, but we made them in case we have to use them. He wants you to be in heaven with Him, and he wants you to choose to love Him.

L. Ron Hubbard admitted himself that he created Scientology to make money. Yet some idiots still practice it as a religion. Make Christians look smart... almost.
Christians are a very negative bunch.They like to follow a fellow who is supposedly forgiving.. but yet they are so quick to judge and throw non believers in the frying pan.
Wow you must've met some mean people, i'm very sorry :(.
I'm Christian but i've seen people be in an uncomfortable zone when people try to convert other people, so now I only talk about it if someone asks.

Frankly, if the Christians in your area (or the ones you know) are like that, then I don't blame you one bit.
Good for you for standing up for your own beliefs :)