I'm so crushed!!! Should I break up with him???


Melbourne Girl

Been dating a wonderful man exclusively for 4 months now. I really like him and my feelings for him just keep growing. We were intimate for the 1st time only 2 wks ago. It too was wonderful. We both enjoyed it immensely. He left for a 3-wk business trip early this morning to a remote place w/ no cell phone access (but could use calling card), so we had dinner and spent the night together. But he was acting funny. a bit distant. not really connecting with me, affectionate but not trying to be intimate. Next morning I took him to the airport. he didn't seem bothered that we wouldnt be able to talk on the phone for 3 wks and didnt seem to want to make the effort to get a calling care, and our good bye was a quick perfunctory peck and hug. I couldn't believe how indifferent he was acting. What happened? I want to ask him about it and find out first hand what is going on. So NOT like him!!! Any suggestions for how to broach the subject???
Well he could also be sad that he is going to be away from you for 3 weeks without hearing your voice or seeing you ect.
Well to b honest with u I wold wonder if he was trying to cheat on me (if i was u) For him to make a complete 360 as far as his attitude, and how he would be intimate with u then, something might be going on. especially since he didn't get the calling card to at least call you. Even if he isn't cheating, maybe he thinks this would be his perfect chance to, just keep a focused level headed mind, for you to get mad is what he would expect. Try to see if u could call any of his co workers, or friends to just make sure the information is real. then ask them questions that would kinda avoid the cheating question but still be somewhere near it, but don't make it obvious. if he is automatically when u see him don't get mad that is what he would expect, don't even make yourself look mad. look happy, but then when u both are alone then ask him questions until u get some answers.
hey dont be in soo hurry may b whatever your feeling rightnow he must be feeling the same but he is hiding it by doing all this or may the love was for few days only, wait for the time to come let these 3 weeks pass see how he reacts throughout these days and ven he comes back talk to him tell him what you feel. take care
I would have suggested head on in asking what the problem was, but its obvious that, being intimate had something to do with it. In a case like this........gosh its just heart wrenching to be left wondering for 3 weeks.....so heartless on his part, I think he should at least said something knowing that HE was behaving rather rudely to you.Might I suggest though that you cannot beat around the bush with this fellow who disregarded your feeling like this after you gave him a part of yourself..........the sooner the better. Straight to the point. Does he still love you as before or has something change?....the sooner you know the answer better for your heart and well being.All the best.