In 2012, the economy hasn't improved, will cons forget that republicans were...

Blame Obama. Short term memory and creating your own reality are traits of conservatives. Either that or insanity... doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
No they weren't.

It took both sides of the isle to mess this up but I don't see you blaming the President who is staunchly defending the whole vote.
Are you actually trying to argue that tax increases benefit a struggling economy?

ignorance is bliss in libbyland.

0bama is still absolutely responsible for his abject hostility toward employers, and punishing hiring.
no they will fight for a longer extension and allow the economy to rebound on it's own as Obama should have done instead of putting us more in debt.
no they will fight for a longer extension and allow the economy to rebound on it's own as Obama should have done instead of putting us more in debt.