In my L Tourist Visa for the PRC, must I specify every province I plan to...



...visit in order? Can my trip deviate? I plan on traveling around China for three months. Is this going to be possible since the default trip duration for a single entry visa is 30 days?
Also, should I apply for a double entry visa anyway, even if I'm not sure whether or not I will go to Hong Kong?
Finally, the visa application requires me to list all the provinces I plan on visiting in order. I'm not sure what cities I will go to and in what order I will visit them. When I get to China, can my actual trip deviate from the trip outlined in the Visa Application? What are your suggestions? Is there anything I could do wrong where my visa application might be denied? Please keep in mind, I've never traveled to China before.
I have visited twice before moving here 2 years ago.

When I first came here in 2003, there were a very few restrictions. Now you can travel anywhere. To travel in and out of Hong Kong does take a bit of paper work. You can get your visa extended. Do a web search for the Chinese embassy, they have the information you need.

Unless you are a known fugitive, terrorist, or trouble maker, you should have no problem. I have several misdemeanor arrests a long time ago when I was young and stupid. As long as you have a valid passport with, I think, about 6 months left on it, then you should have no problem.

Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated

551 - 479 BC


