Increase performance in soccer (Agility and Endurance)?


New member
Aug 14, 2008
Ok, i got my footskills down. i used to be able to play really well, but i havent played for almost 4 years and ive slowed down a bit. i get tired after running a while and stomach cramps. any idea on how to increase my agility and endurance?
Start taking a good Multi-Vitamin everyday. High in vitamin B.
Also consider taking Ginseng
and Drink green tea and lots of water.
Like Justin said drink LOTS of water during the day(before you play) and that usually prevents cramps or aches in the stomach or early exhaustion..

Also use your footwork to drill youselves in endurance workouts, dribble the ball in laps around a field, dribble with the outside of your foot, switch feet.

And most important of all keep going! If your tired beyond on knowing keep going! Push youself and do it everyday and you will get better.

So apply moves, drills into longer distance, repeat them consistantly.