Inexperienced to overclocking... Even newer to AMD CPUs. These temps ok?


Active member
May 11, 2008
As experienced as I am with computers, I have to admit I know next to nothing about overclocking. And don’t know a whole lot more about AMD CPUs, other than what I can recall from my collage text books.

I’ve OCd my CPU (AMD Phenom II X4 955) to 4.0 Ghz (Multiplier set to 20x) on 1.400 volts. Been running Intel burn test on high stress setting for about about 20 passes now. Max temp so far is 65?C. the system seems stable. It converts all my videos just fine, plays games almost perfectly and seems to do eveything else just fine... And it survives the intel burn test for > 20 passes straight.

Now here’s my question... Typically when I put it under load, ie video conversion or playing games, the CPU never really gets a whole lot warmer than 52ish?C. Is this too hot for the AMD Phenom II 955? Obviously cooler is better, but what’s the threshold for this CPU?