Injured wrist isn't healing?


New member
Feb 8, 2013
What happend

Got stepped on playing rugby 4 months ago played rest of game played 2 more games went to er told me it was tendonitis did what they told me it dident help went to my doctor he took X-rays sent me to phiso theropy been doing that for 2 months I was told be tendons and muscle were bruised and swollen and possibly bruised bone too now 4 months later pain is a lot less still taking Motrin for pain still swollen still bruised

Questions I would like help with

1. Why is it still swollen and bruised
2. Is the injury what they told me or could it be some thing with my bone
3. Would I be good to play rugby again in 2 months like would it be safe of would I get hurt again
4. If pain is gone but swelling is still there at rugby season should I tape it for support
5. Was it a bad idea to do gym class with this injury I never told gym teacher
6. Would I have to wright this on a past injury form when sighing up for rugby
7. If you have had injury like this how long did it take to heal
8. How do I help it heal faster

About me

Grade 9 played fall rugby gonna play spring rugby 14 years old 5'2 120 pounds played winger on high school girls varcity team