Intelligence Test for fun


Feb 24, 2008
I was giving this a try.

Some of the answers I found remarkably easy and others I boggled over. Apparently I'm not a genius I needed 19 correct answers I only got 17/33

Correct answers

I was banging my head over 32 because of spelling (it seems if you get something wrong, start over or it won't register correctly).

Don't read before or if you plan on trying the test.
I kept spelling Millennium incorrectly!!!

8 I knew and was furious I didn't figure out! I thought 10 was a bit of a cheat I don't know why I knew it also but I just couldn't figure it out, I know 11 and can't believe I couldn't see it, 12 is cheating imo, 13 no idea.

Some of these had quite specialist knowledge 14 for example I know nothing about.

Correct answers:

Give it a go if you fancy and let us know how you do, if you have any comments about any of the answers lets keep spoilers around so we don't spoil the answers for anyone else.

Have fun!
Got 3 and gave up. Looked at the answers and a lot of them I knew, but never would of guessed. I hate tests like that
I think I spent the most time on number 1, once I got the general gist it got quicker. But some of them had me banging my head >.
I got all but two... Still working on them though, so I'm not looking in the spoiler tag!
:O If that is the case, perhaps move onto this one next? It's supposed to be harder. This one states "If you find all the answers, you have an outstanding mind and pretty high IQ." I took one look at the first option and rage quit, I'll try again later
I hit 22 (plus I'm certain that I got #6 right even though it won't go green!) and thought myself proud!

Honestly, though, I've lost interest. I think I'm going to quit.

Edit: I did get #6 right. Stupid computer.
Once you get the feel for it, it's not as difficult as it might initially seem. I'm at 23/33 so far after about 15 minutes and they only seem to be coming more quickly. 28 was the toughest so far, as judging by some of the earlier questions (5,9,22) I thought it was related to those and not what I ended up finding it to be.
Done. Only missed 15 (which was really easy dang it), 20 (again easy if you can think about it), 30 (I kept thinking about a different place), and 31 (American so I don't know a thing about it) so 29/33 total.