introducing 2 cats to 2 other cats?


New member
Nov 2, 2011
we will be getting 2 new cats who are siblings to join our household.
We already have 2 cats: a 1 year, a 4 year
My question is how do we introduce the 2 new cats who are siblings (3 years old) to our old cats.
so far I've decided I will leave the new 2 in their pet carriers and allow the old 2 to sniff them and greet them for 2 minutes before I lock the new 2 in their own room. Then I will let the new 2 out at night in the second half of the house and let the old 2 only on the opposite side and then swap sides?
Good or bad idea?
Make sure the 2 existing cats are in the room and relaxed.
Bring the 2 new cats in in the box so the 1st 2 can check out the 2 new ones.
If everything seems OK open the carriers and let the 1st cats take it from there.
You may have to be patient, especially as the 2 new ones are not kittens.
Be prepared for a bit of hissing, etc.
You might have to keep them apart for a while and try again later.
Good Luck
Slowly of course. Put them in a separate area to begin with. Let them sleep on your old clothing. Let them roam about at night. Gradually let their 'smell' go through the house. Pat them and then go near the other cats. Move their food and litter tray into the other cat's habitat (over a couple of days). Change (swap) the food bowls between the two pairs. Same goes for the blankets/litter trays. Leave windows open. Share your time between the separate pairs.
It takes time. But it has worked for me.
You want to be patient. Cats are territorial, and they like to make a lot of trouble if they don't like the new pets. Bring the new cats, one at a time, to meet the old cats. If the old cats show signs of hostility, take the new ones out, and try later. Little by little, the old cats will get used to the other two.