Introducing a puppy to a feisty cat?


New member
Feb 2, 2011
Okay, so I am getting a puppy and I am bringing her home on feb. 11th, she is a Toy Rat Terrier and is three months old, itty bitty thing. Now, I'm not worried about her seeing that she's very open to meeting new people and animals from the few weeks of visiting her ( I get her after her vet appointment).

The puppy:

(looks bigger in that picture than she actually is)

The cat:
My real concern is my cat; she's thirteen pounds and a fairly big cat whom has been around dogs since she was a kitten. Though she beat up the dog every time she saw him ( given the dog was big and let her beat the shit out of him). When I petsit a Pittbull she beat up that dog too.
I don't know how she will react to this puppy, since the puppy is far smaller than the cat, but I am wondering how to introduce the puppy to the cat.
( I already know to show the cat to the puppy when the puppy is tired so the pup wont be obnoxious and piss off the cat) I know that the cat wont kill the puppy and will get used to her, but I want to save the curtains in my living room the cat will attack the dogs and climb the curtains, knock them down and destroy something else. OTHERWISE she is a loving cat whom loves attention and jealousy might be an issue at first.
Let them meet on neutral territory like at the park. Tentions will be low and there will be no threat if you just bring them into your home from the git gol

Also, in advance, have some of the kittens things set up, Make Sure the kittie knows he has ;safe places; to go to and get the little kitties things set up before the meet in the house
Supervise them at all times. If the cat becomes aggressive or vice versa, take it away. Bring it back and reward the animals when they are behaving with each other.

Your puppy will probably will eventually want to play with the cat and they may bond - OR THEY MAY NOT.

Just keep both safe in their first few months of adjustment.