Introducing puppy to other house dogs?


New member
Sep 7, 2010
Hi i have currently 3 border collies male almost 2, female 3 and female 4-5. we just got a rottweiler puppy yesterday 16 weeks old male pedigree. We brought pup home and put him in crate with his bed and let our dogs separately 1 by 1 come and see pup in cage and have a sniff. The female age 2 seemed happy wagging tail and sniffing she gets along with all dogs and people she just a big pup her self, we took her away and brought in the 2nd dog male and he is a nervous dog anyway and he wasn't very sure he went to the cage and was stiff and showing teeth as the puppy was jumping about the cage trying to get to the dog, we took him away then brought in the alpha dog female age 4 and she was sniffing and growling a wee bit, it was a short introduction.
We then put all dogs on leads including pup and took them for a walk together they all walked side by side although the male age 2 kept turning round and looking at the pup unsure about it. We got to the park where they don't normally go so it was neutral grounds, the 2 female collies were let off leads to run around with the pup and they were all running around nicely although the female age 4 did growl at the pup because he jumped on her.
We got back home and put pup back in his crate with water and food in the living room so he would be safe and so wouldn't annoy the other dogs. The pup is so big and bouncy and just wants to play constantly wont sleep just cries and barks and tries to dig his way out of crate trying to get to other dogs. The female age 4 has started laying down by the crate and growling at the pup, and the other female and male lay in the kitchen which is some what normal. When dogs are outside in the garden the pup is so relaxed and just a pup but as soon as he sees the other 3 he goes crazy just wants to get to them.
I thought i cant keep puppy in crate forever he will have to get to know the other 3 sometime and he doesn't like crate that much, i only put him in the crate for him to get use to his new surroundings and for the dogs to get use to him and avoiding hurting him.
So we put 2 dogs away in another room and let pup out in living room with our friendliest female age 3 and i think she may have seen the pups toys i dint no but she was acting strange and getting all Territorial over something she usually wants to play with anyone and anything. she started growling at the pup only because he was crying and struggling to get to her and she was staying away from him i thought maybe best out in garden more room for her to feel that she not trapped in a room with this pup, soon as they got in the garden the female was running around doing her usual thing loves being outdoors and the pup was just sniffing around he went up to the female and hit her with his paw and she attacked him, she had a hold of his face and wouldn't let go shaking him, the pup yelped and ran away in the house, such a wee shame. I shouted at the female NO don't you do that again and she showed her teeth at me too then i left her in the garden and went seen to pup he was ok thankfully.
I was at the end of my wit the pup has been crying and barking everytime he goes in that crate he will not settle when we walk out a room he barks really loud for his age infact! So we let him out and he just keeps going for the dogs. So my partner decided to take pup out with alpha female age 4 to park they walked side by side no problems got back home and thought i'll try have pup in living room out with other dogs on lead and get him to lay down and it took a hour for him to lay down and calm he just wanted the other dogs he started biting and chewing his lead and whining but eventually got him settled and he was laying down next to the female dog no complaints but he started getting too close again and she was growling, the other male still lay in the kitchen and the other female wouldnt come through to living room because the pup was there.
Its been 1 long hard day!!
Is there any advice? i just want to be able to have all dogs get along, especially the male age 2 he is unsure of the pup and snaps but the dogs only attack the pup when he gets too close. will my dogs get use to the pup? baring in mind my dogs were all pups and one stage too and i had to introduce them to each other at one stage but it was nothing compared to this.
What do i do? how do i get them to get along? and how do i stop the pup jumping and annoying the others please help