Introductions- how do i lessen the tension between the two cats?


Heather B

I have a male DSH that I hand raised since he was 3 weeks old. Hes a really sweet cat and is very loving. He is now 19 months old. I just adopted a female Toyger who is 10 months old. She is very sweet and friendly.

I tried the whole separate them but my male thinks the entire house is his and whines at the door to get into the room. With supervision I have let them interact and it wasn't as bad as one would expect. They hissed and then he claimed his blanket and she explored the house.

I am concerned about my male. The female is fine, she has no problem with the adjustment. The male is tense and wont even come near me.

I've never seen him like this before- hes been with other cats for an extended time but he was never this stressed. He seems like a completely different cat. i just want him to relax- any suggestions?
I agree that if they are living together now without fighting, they will probably eventually get over it. I've also heard some people really like a product called Feliway for stressed and/or misbehaving cats. I have not tried it but it worked out very well for a friend of mine.