iPhone 4s 6.1.3 Jailbreak HELP PLEASE?


May 15, 2008
PLEASE help! I've been trying all night to jailbreak my iPhone 4s 6.1.3 and I've been nothing but unsuccessful. I've downloaded the latest versions of evasi0n, redsn0w, and sn0wbreeze, but every time I try to jail break, it doesn't recognize my iPhone software. I've tried downloading more IOS's, but they either take 4 hours or end in error! Even after I had one successfully downloaded, the jailbreaking software didn't recognize it. PLEASE HELP ME.
Is there any way I can downgrade the software to an earlier iOS?
There is no jailbreak yet for iOS 6.1.3. You will have to wait a few more weeks for it to come out.
Ahhh see theres your problem. Your running iOS 6.1.3. Apple patched all the jailbreak exploits with that update. So you cannot jailbreak the version of software you are running. The people that make the Jailbreak have said that they will not work on another jailbreak until iOS 7 drops this fall. Sorry. iOS 7 is going to be announced at WWDC 2013 next month, and is expected to be released to the public in the fall. No jailbreak for us until than T_T