iPhone 4S or Blackberry Bold 9900?


May 21, 2008
Hi, I know that this is one of the most commonly asked questions, but hear me out first please :)

So I'm graduating from high school this year, and I'm going to start my college life soon. 3 years ago, my phone was the 1st generation iPhone, and I used it for a good two years until I got sick of how slow it was and how there were never updates for its operating system-- but I'm familiar with how the iPhone works. After that, I used a Nokia for a few months and finally transferred to the Blackberry side. I have a curve, and I thought that I shouldn't be spending too much money on what unit I have because I was planning to use an iPhone once I move to college... Then I discovered Blackberry's BIS, which I enjoyed very much. The apps I usually use with my Blackberry are BBM, Twitter, and Facebook. So I'm also familiar with how the Blackberry works.

The thing is, I know that the iPhone also has iMessage, Twitter, and Facebook-- but only when there's wifi or when I have 3G enabled. Unlike the blackberry, with which I can enable BIS monthly, my mobile plan will only allow me around 50mb of internet a month with the iPhone. My university will probably have wifi in limited areas, so I probably won't use the social aspect of an iPhone unless I'm in a wifi zone. Then again, I'm not one to carry a lot of things, and I just want one phone for my music and my texts (I know the blackberry can play music but I prefer Apple's products in that aspect), and it's quite a hassle to carry a blackberry and an iPod touch (I have the 4th generation iPod, which I heard is practically the same as the iPhone 4). Also, my Blackberry is so slow (maybe the new Bold is faster now), and the battery life is terrible, unlike the iPhone which lasts for a longer period of time.

Some people have suggested to just stick with the Blackberry, because I have an iPod touch, so it's practically the best of both worlds. Others just said to get an iPhone, because the apps are better and it's more convenient to hold just one thing all the time. I use BBM, Twitter, and Facebook quite a lot, but I can probably use it (Twitter and Facebook) with 50mb of data plan a month, right? A large number of my friends use a Blackberry as well, which is why I have a considerable amount of contacts on my BBM. Or should I just wait for the iPhone 5 to come out?

For those who have tried both phones, which one do you prefer and why?
Thanks for reading this long post!