Is anyone having problems with Blackberry Bold just shutting down and rebooting?


New member
Dec 7, 2011
My employer provides me with a Blackberry, and the Bold which I just got yesterday shut down today while I was talking on it. It then did a reboot like they do when the battery has been removed and replaced. Anyone else have that problem?
If you have a BB Bold 9900/9930, It's a factory issue. A lot of owners have experienced problems with it and RIM has also confirmed that this model has bricking issues. You should report this to your employer. Your carrier should get you a replacement phone.

Hope this helps!
No, just call the carrier to help reload the software, or open this link to find the instructions:
This is not normal, and MAY be due to a loose battery back. You can try putting a small piece of paper folded a couple of times and placed between the battery and the phone back, this will keep the battery from moving away from the contacts (if that is the actual problem), if this works, ask for a different phone. If this does not help, again ask for a different phone.

You may be asked to do a few trouble shooting things with the phone, but if this is a really recent phone (to you), this shouldn't be happening.