Is being bisexual a trend?


New member
Aug 17, 2008
In my school about 3 years ago some girl admitted she was bisexual & everyone excepted her & she became one of the 'popular girls' & since then it started of just a few girls who are friends with her but group at a time everyone suddenly decided they were bisexual, like I'm not even exaggerating out of every group of friends at least a 1/4 decided they were bisexual. Now you may say this is a good thing because the students at your school will be very excepting of LGBT community but that's not really the case, our school is an all girl school & they have nothing against GBT but anybody in our school who is a full on lesbian like is not attracted to boys at all is made an outcast ://

See that's what confuses me if they were real bisexuals they would understand how the lesbian girls feel & wouldn't bully them.
Its really confusing but is it only my school that this is happening to, like this trend of thinking you're status will be upgraded if you're bisexual?
And why are they doing this?
I have nothing against the LGBT community I just don't like fakes
Different is cool to some people, it's as simple as that. It really is a shame that even thought they claim to be bisexual and have no problem with gay men that they don't accept lesbians. Oh well, what'll you do? Some people are sadly that immature.
A trend is something that people do after seeing others do it for what ever reason.

In the case of bisexuality, I guess you could say that coming out has become the current trend.
But you cant say that being bisexual has become the the current trend because out or not the person was already bisexual. Its just that today more people are willing to be honest about their sexuality.
A lot of people call themselves "Bisexual" for attention.
It seems to be the "In" thing now days.
Bisexual is not a trend. teenage group could acquire this behavior among peers. also a freedom for every woman they choose to live that way. and believe for dual type of partnership. maybe it begins from any experimental type of intimate relationship from same sex. or with an opposite sex. this people are humans and they should be treated equally as long as they are considered productive part of the society.