Is FOX NEWS Whining About The Supposed Media Bias Against McCain?


Mar 2, 2008
Hannity & Colmes again last night (7/23/08) provided exactly the kind of unfair, unbalanced coverage of the presidential campaign that Sean Hannity unceasingly complained was occurring elsewhere in the media. First, there was a triple-segment interview with John McCain with softball questions from Sean Hannity, only, in which McCain distorted Obama’s positions without correction from Hannity (Alan Colmes later corrected the most egregious one). That was followed by a single segment with an Obama supporter who faced questions from both hosts. Republican Karl Rove got two subsequent segments in which to attack Obama. With video.
Hannity never gave the slightest indication of concern that the show (or the rest of the media) spent disproportionate amounts of time attacking Barack Obama during the primary season, yet he has not stopped whining about the favorable coverage Obama is now receiving during his trip abroad.