Is he interested or not, I'm confused?


New member
Jul 3, 2010
Ok so I'm in college and I'm really shy around guys I like. I've been secretly crushing on this guy since January and never really spoke to him. Now the semester has ended and I am so sad and I really regret not doing anything.
During the semester we smiled and said hi whenever we saw eachother on campus an we did speak once. In class we always gave more than normal amount of eye contact (3-5 seconds) I would normally break the stare
The first and only time we really spoke was in january. He actually approached me. It was pretty awkward and short as I was in a hurry so I had to say bye

Anyways since the semester is done I decided to add him on Facebook. He accepted the request and messaged me. We had a short conversation on the class we took together and that's it!

What should I do !