Is he shy and passive or just not interested? Please help, I'm so confused and hurt.?

Feb 26, 2010
I approached a guy who seemed so obviously shy and a bit awkward but had been looking at me a lot and staring. I've made all the moves and he's always reacted positively but hasn't initiated anything himself. I asked him out and we made plans and he was enthusiastic but had to cancel, he called to see if I could still go later but I couldn't anymore. I've always been the one to text him first unless I say 'tell me how it goes, I really want to know' or something similar, or if he has a reason like 'how are you finding the essay?'. He always replies, sometimes instantly but sometimes a day later or so, and he seems more talkative now than before. But he doesn't keep the convo going very well. If I ask a question, he'll answer and then ask 'what about you?'. He's told me he's a bad texter and I know he's really busy. But I don't know what to do now. I don't want to ask him out again if he's just being polite. He seems interested and bothers to reply with long detailed responses and questions, but he never starts a conversation or anything and isn't very good at keeping them going. He hasn't replied to my last text a day ago. I need some reassurance from him if he's passive/shy/inexperienced etc but I don't know how to get it. I don't mind being more dominant with this but I feel silly if I'm not getting much back, what can I do?
If he wasn't interested in me, wouldn't he just not reply ever or send very short responses and seem cold? He uses exclamation marks and hahas etc and seems enthusiastic and speaks in more detail than he did before, like he's opening up slowly. But then I doubt this and think he just doesn't know how to say no thanks or something.
Oh, and I think he was raised by only his mother and has no brothers so maybe he's more polite or passive or something?
And it seemed very obvious just from seeing him round that he was very shy and reserved. He would stare at me tho and look away when I looked at him, so maybe even if he isn't interested anymore it won't be so embarrassing for me if I'm asking out a guy who found me attractive even if he rejects me? Should I just keep initiating contact and being friendly and flirty? Or confront him?
I have a friend who has a similarly passive personality and she said he wouldn't bother at all if he wasn't interested and he sounds like he's like her and needs to be smacked in the face with evidence before he believes someone might actually 'like like' him and even if he knows he'd be too scared, but that's just what she's like so idk.
wow!! i like a guy and i behave the same way as ur guy is doing..
& i m not shy or passive..but then when i dont initiate anything,he pings me and keeps talking which makes me feel wanted & important..
i guess that's ur case too..

but then guy alwys initiates everything,conversation,jokes,pulling my leg,calling me up,pinging me 99% times when i m online..but i still dont know if he likes me :(

can you help me?
He does seem interested in you, he's just awkward with social skills. You'll be able to draw him out of his shell, but it's a slow process...

on most days myself, I just wish someone could be interested in me

i need help with stuff too:;_ylt=AnPonGMFuBiu7OEUUX2.jMPsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20100322232154AAmSgOi
how about you try to keep the conversation flowing? a lot of guys arent really good at keeeping the flow of the conversation going or actually starting it. especially if its a girl we like.
I think he is just shy. He is obviously interested coz its not like he isn't trying!! You just need to be patient and just come right out and ask him whats going on with you'll!
This guy is really confusing, your guy.. I hate such guys to be honest. But then when I was young (umm... well I still am.. if 28 is young that is.. but that's a digression), even I was socially very awkward, especially with girls.

Your guy may be interested in you, but he may not be as serious about love in general than about something else, perhaps his studies. This isn't bad really.

If you were to ask him again whether he likes you or not and whether he'll go out with you or not, the fellow will obviously say "of course I like you blah blah" but he won't come. Guys like him are painful and unreliable. So do this - ask him out just once more and this time, tell him its the final time you're asking him. See his reaction. If he becomes serious and says he'll come and keeps his promise, good, give you a few more chances. Else, forget him. He is not worth you.

You know what.. something doesn't *feel* right about your guy. My mind is at unease. My gut says stay off from him. All the best girl.. really all the best.. take care of yourself, your studies and your career. Always lead an independent life. That's what gives you happiness. BTW, I'm a guy. I'm telling you this because I see how girls (and a sensitive guy like me) always seem to think love will be reciprocated and if it doesn't, we feel really awful. Stay away from that attachment ok? Learning to be happy is an art that needs to be carefully and dutifully cultivated in life.
