Is it a wonder that the GOPers aren't Bashing Gloria Cain yet?


New member
Oct 20, 2011
Lo and behold she's a "DEMOCRAT"!!! One of those people they don't like merely because of the (D) behind their name. That's Mrs. Herman Cain BTW for those who don't know her name. Him and her must have some serious arguments in their house whew!
I don't think that most of them know that she's a Dem, and that could be why they haven't bashed her yet. Look at how they bashed another Democrat woman who was married to a womanizing out of wedlock baby making Repub. Her name is Maria Shriver (a Kennedy).
If you don't understand why Republicans aren't bashing Gloria Cain, maybe you don't understand Republicans as well as you think you do. What else do you misunderstand about them?
I think it would be best to leave her alone and not sink to the level of the CONs who constantly bash Michelle Obama on here.
They probably doubt their base would see attacking someone's wife like that in a good light.
We are not attempting to elect Her as President.
Get things in perspective Please!
You can ridicule her all you want after she is in the White House next to her husband the President.
We are not attempting to elect Her as President.
Get things in perspective Please!
You can ridicule her all you want after she is in the White House next to her husband the President.
The Democrats are setting up Cain, cause they know H Cain will destroy Obama next year.
Mitt Romney already is a one time loser and Perry is borderline Retarded. Who else does the GOP have?????
he also attends a very liberal church...

now, I don't mind this... but this is the kind of thing that would worry some cons I would think...

EDIT: LOLOLOL... A con asking others to get perspective? after the Rev. Wright attacks? a wife is MUCH closer to most people than their pastor...
Gloria Cain may be a Democrat at present, but after she sees how the Dems are going after her husband, and the dirty mud they are throwing at him, I bet she changes her party, if not before, shortly after he becomes our next President.
Just in case you haven't noticed, most of the party "bashing" is being done by the Democrats, or liberals, especially here on Yahoo.

Oh yes, there shouldn't have to be any problems between he and his wife, after all, take a good lookk at James Carville, democrat, and his wife Mary Matalin, Republican, they are not killing each other. These problems are only in your mind.

Are you for real? just when was the last time you read about some con making statements about Michelle Obama? I doubt if there has been a half dozen comment in the last year about her.
We don't spend our time going after family members like you damn liberals.
First you had a field day with Sarah Palin, then her daughter, then tod, and the rest of the family, then it was about Michele Bachmann, then the church,then her husband, you also had quite a run with Donald Trump, his moeny, his business dealings then his wife and girl friends. No end to your digging crap, and slinging mud..
I don't give a rat's a55 what letter is next to her name. This is about FACTS and PROOF. There aren't any here and your question is nothing more than mindless nonsense.
Yeap, they hate women as proven by their loyalty to Herman Cain despite over half of Republicans believing he's guilty of sexually harrassing women. This has taught me that I have to )((*&^& kill men who harrass me in order to get any justice. I will if it happens again, darn straight.