Is it illegal for anyone to smoke inside of a house with a newborn baby?


New member
Mar 22, 2008
There are three people that smoke inside with a newborn baby. Two are chain smokers, the baby is only 15days old.
No it is not illegal but obviously its still wrong. Some people are just too stupid to go outside and smoke! If it is really bad and you are worried for the baby then call someone who may be able to help?
well lets just say its a not smart thing do to, remember newborn babies lungs are still learning
but the police wont be busting down your because. you are smoking inside your house(well unless it pot of course]
i would just to please the mother go outside -I of course hope the mother isn't one of the smokers
Its not illegal, its just stupid. But hey, there was time when mothers would breastfeed while smoking, and those kids turned out fine.
Fortunately the government hasn't gone far enough to tell us that we cannot smoke inside our own homes. If they aren't smart enough to put the baby in a different room or open a window, suggest it rather than trying to get them in legal trouble.