Is it just me, or is this messed up? I don't know what to do.. (kind of


New member
Oct 18, 2008
long, but I needed to vent this out)? Ok, so one of my "friends" (I'm really starting to doubt our friendship), does a lot of things that kind of bother me. First off, he lies so much, it's unbelievable. At first, I thought maybe I was just being paranoid, but no joke, all of my friends that know him agree that he's a compulsive liar, I even looked up the symptoms and he has a few of them. For example, we'd be skateboarding, he'd try a trick and not land it, and I'd purposely look away and act like I didn't see it, then he'd tell me "oh my god I just landed a perfect kickflip" even though I know he didn't. Another thing I've noticed that he does, is he'd occasionally make statuses on facebook, like "hanging out with bla bla" or "chilling with bla bla", but he's never made one about us hanging out, even though he says I'm the only one of his friends that he doesn't think is weird, which I know is a lie because he lies so much. And the most irritating thing, is that today, he made a status "freestyling with the bro Bob bob". Him and the person he calls his "bro" ALWAYS talk SO much shit on eachother when they aren't together. Whenever I hang out with just one of them, they always talk about the other, so I don't get why he's calling him his "bro". Today, after "bob" left, my friend kept saying "yeah he was getting so annoying last night he wouldn't stop talking, he seriously talks way too much." It's sickening how he calls him his "bro", when they both talk so much shit about eachother. He seems so fake, it pisses me off, I wouldn't mind never hanging out with him ever again, but the main reason I'm hesitant on that is because I'm kind of friends with his sister, and there are sometimes where I really enjoy talking to him, but honestly, if I were to make a list about the things I like about him vs the things I hate, there'd be WAY more things I hate. Not really good friends, but it's gotten to the point where the only reason I like going to his house is to see her. But I know if I stop talking to him, I probably won't see her again, unless I go to their house when he isn't there. She has my number though, and texts me sometimes, like rarely, and we sometimes talk on facebook. What should I do?
Thanks for the absolutely useless reply, good job.
I've had friends like that there always younger now so when i confront them they change but i do it nicely.. Heres a tip try one upmanship on a different level talk about your most awkward childhood moment and see if he trys too one up it with his and if he does say "you know people can tell when you lie" if he doesnt try too one up you say your a funny guy.. Heres another thing if he cracks a joke at your awkward story start lieing through your teeth and deny anythings a lie.. If he doesnt try too one up you he's born too lie and ive met some awsome liars in my time who've gotten so good at it you cant tell the difference anymore loyalty matters. But dont hang out with girls around him one uping liea around girls makes you both look crazy and they like who's best at it more so you'll just end up being the wing man.. Trust me you can change him.
try separating those paragraphs man.. tooo long.
And why post silly stuff anyhow? friends not friends skateboards sisters ?
If he is really this annoying there's no point in staying chums. Just don't be enemies, and continue talking to his sister. I have annoying friends whom I love and hate at the same time too, so I just try to look on the good side of things and enjoy it when they're being nice. When they start bitching I ignore them. That's it.
he's a b1tch i know someone like him he wrote that status to look like a badass the other person i know always posts on facebook "smoking with the homies" and uploads pictures of him smoking and drinking and thinks hes cool n sh1t when i'll knock his fat@ss out cuz he's a lazy b1tch that dropped outta high school