is it possible to tell the future?

my friend said sometimes she dreams of things and it comes , like deja vu. small things but it happens exactly. i told her to try to dream about me and my lover... Daniel.

can anyone out there see my future with him? no silly answers. please?
You're retarded, okay?

Firstly, people cannot dream the future. They can dream obscure events that might coincidentally occur, but they can't predict the future.
Secondly, even if people could do that, you can't just make them dream of something that might happen in the future. The 'visions' come to them at random.
To a point.
If you drop a ball from your hand you can predict will hit the ground in a second, maybe.
Much beyond that and it gets pretty complicated.
Certainly one can make predictions about the future, but all predictions have a probability associated with them. However, if I drop a coin, the probability is almost one that it will hit the floor, unless my cat grabs it first.
Yes, for those who have psychic abilities, either precognitive dreams or waking precog flashes, it is possible. The problem is figuring out WHEN it is going to happen, in the next few weeks, like 9/11, the next few years, like my mother's death, or 30 years or more in the future, like the dream I had about exactly what the upstairs guest bedroom would look like with exactly the correct angle of sunlight coming through a west facing upstairs bedroom window of an apartment where a fatal fire took place next door on Oct. 8 - 9, 2000 in Norman OK, in 1968 in greater New Orleans. I didn't didn't sign the lease agreement on that apartment until September, 1998. I also knew that the east flood-wall of the 17th st. canal would breach if and when the correct meteorological and hydrological conditions existed more than 11 years and 8 months before it actually hap pend, because of two courses I'd taken at the University of Oklahoma. It's really eerie how amazingly correct I was. I still get shivers every time the movie of the breach re-runs in my head, AND I was more than 654 to 700 miles away when the breach actually happened on August 30, 2005, NOT August 29. It's amazing how long it has taken to straighten out the time line of the New Orleans breaches and drainage canal over-banking.
no only god knows our future. but sometimes when ppl dream its like a sign or a message about something and most of the time its hard to figure out what dreams mean. but i really dont think you can just tell your friend to dream about someone or something, it just happens.
sure, but doing so with any degree of accuracy become more and more complicated. think of a weatherman. he has a pretty good track record for telling you what the weather is like RIGHT NOW.

his accuracy diminishes a little tiny bit when he tells you what's going to happen in a few hours.

he gets a lot worse when he tries to to the five day forecast.

the closer something is to happening, the easier it is to predict correctly. the more abstract or deviod of detail a predcition, the less likely is is to be interpreted as false, however. sort of like why horoscopes are not written to say, "today the woman that lives across the street from you that has been annoying you with loud music every night for the last five days will invite you over, and apologize to you"

they are more like "you may receive a sincere apology today"

i suspect dreams are not really connected to "the future" no matter how precognitive they appear. look at the book of revelation, that was suppossedly a dream of the fall of the roman empire, yet virtually none of the events described in that book LITERALLY happened.
It's possible for some to tell the future.

My psychic has told me about my future a few times. And she was right about many things.

I'll tell you one thing she said to me during a reading. She said I was going to go away somewhere. She said not to stay too long because it'll cost me. At the time, I wasn't sure what she meant.

A few months later, I went to Albuquerque to visit my parents. Originally, I was going to stay for two weeks. But at the last minute I extended my trip another two weeks. Then I extended for another two weeks. On the last day of my trip there, I wrecked my dad's truck. My insurance didn't cover it. And it cost me $2500 to fix.

Because I didn't listen to her, it cost me $2500.
yes its possible, theres a number of ways the future can be revealed...dreams, tarot readings, cards of destiny readings, and being psychic. i do all these things except 4 tarot. some people can do better than others, its real.
No it isn't possible, astrology is utter nonsense.
Even GOD is bound by the Uncertainty Principle and cannot predict the future exactly.