is it safe to use an extension socket in another extension socket?


New member
Sep 15, 2008
i live in a student house, so i am bared to using all my appliacnes in my bedroom.
i only have 2 wall sockets in my room and have many appliances which need to be pulged in at the same time .. computer screen, hard drive, scanner, printer, electric piano, speaker etc (if you are wondering, i need to use all the above at the same time as i am a composition music student) and there are other appliances as well .. so i cant unplug things and use that socket space because i need to use them all at the same time.

anyway, i bought a surge extension socket pluged that into the wall socket
i wanted to know if it would be un/safe to plug an extension socket into that already used extension socket .. or am i asking for danger????

thanks to all who answer! ;)