Is it time to trade or bench Chris Johnson?


Jun 3, 2008
I want to give him another chance this week .. but at the same time.. the longer I wait to try to get something for him.. the more his value plummets... Honestly not even sure what i could get at this point? I've been watching him play every week and he just looks flat.. no intensity to his game.. Its like he got paid and now he doesn't give a crap... He is absolutely KILLING my team.. What do you think?
Timothy.. you just dropped him after week 2??!??! or did you trade him? If you straight up dropped him.. sorry but that sounds a little crazy.. I'm sure he was your number 1 pick.. i can't imagine anyone giving up on him that fast, especially since he didn't play the preseason.. I mean.. hes still a decent flex option right now .. If you traded him, that was probably a good move depending on who you got
Me personally I dumped him after wk not impressed and share ur opinion that he looks flat...I would look to get rid of him quickly.