Is it true that 20 states are claiming sovereignty?


May 27, 2008
I heard this is happening under the 10th amendment
No REPUTABLE news outlet is claiming this. WorldNetDaily lists my state among those that have moved to reassert their rights under the 10th amendment, which is a far different thing than seceding. It happens all the time in language that allows the states to run federal programs but really honestly isn't a big deal. They did this all the time under legislation in the Bush era because it's boilerplate by now, but somehow it wasn't newsworthy until Obama got in office.

WND continues its usual poor reporting by implying that the actions of ONE state legislator represents the overall feeling of a state and not just some fringer who wants to get noticed. State legislators can be very competent, but they can also be whackos. We have had state legislators who think speaking a foreign language at any time to anyone should result in criminal charges. Sometimes we get someone who doesn't even believe in the United States government, and wants to destroy it from the inside. We've gotten a guy who ran because God told him to, resigned because God told him to, then ran again because God told him to - and believed black helicopters were following his every move. It depends on who's in their district, who votes, and who contributes money. But WND's interpretation of introduced )not passed) legislation means that every word of a single legislator, no matter what the foundation of his beliefs may be, reflects the entire state's wishes. There's a reason that bills need to be passed before they become law, and looney-tunes wierdos getting elected are the reason.

Anyway, there has not been any activity of the intent that WND claims in my state legislature - where my mother works every day of her life, I would have heard about it - and it would not happen unless one of our wierdo legislators introduces some idiot bill that will get quickly tabled. And by wierdo, I mean people who are only in the state legislature as an alternative to shouting at passing cars all day.