is labels necessary gay straight bi im confused?


Jun 13, 2008
so like i always liked guys right and then i met this girl and like i have deep feelings for her like i would give her my kidney if she needed it i am in love with her the only other person i have been in love with was this boy but im so confused because i don't find girls attractive but i love her as a person maybe love is truly blind and you can't help who you love i don't know whats your thoughts?
well your is really confusing and anyone can really fall in love with anyone its just some people are more straight than others therefore they have less of a chance of falling for the same sex. its kinda like a timeline with gay and straight at opposite ends and people fall into all places of the line. not just on the extremes.... hopefully u understood me
could u picture yourself having a sexual realtionship with this girl if no your gay
could u picture yoursel having a sexual relationship with this guy if no your straight
could u picture yourself having a sexual relationship with both is yes your bi