Is my friend a LESBIAN in denial?


New member
May 14, 2008
I'm a guy and I've become really good friends with a girl who started at work for two mnths now. She really confuses me, she talks about relationships and talks about how she wants a family, husband, children, etc. And then she she says things like 'why is it you can't be friends with a man, all they want is sex'.

Once she was saying how ladies find her attractive, and once we were watching a movie together she kept pointing at the adverts like rihanna or penolpe cruz saying things like 'wow, she's really beautiful'

I asked her once why she doesn't have a boyfriend she said 'because Erm... I'm complicated'.

So I found her facebook and I saw her kissing a girl on facebook in France under eiful tower.*

Why doesn't she admit she's a lesbian, I think she wants a normal family but thinks she's attracted to women.*

Is she a lesbian in denial?
okay i can see where you are coming from, but dont jump to conclusions. maybe in france she was just really drunk or "experimenting". maybe she could also be bi-sexual, or maybe she's just up for a good time or trying new stuff. but if it is none of your business you should just leave it, but if it is concerning you because you believe she should be enjoying her sexuality then just ask her.
no. girls do that all the time and yes sometimes girls kiss but that just a friendly thing. if she was lesbian in denial shed be saying comments with a lesbian sexual reference. if she wants a family and husband, then the most i could say is she is 100% straight just being a girl or she is bisexual but not lesbian