is nicotine in the actual tobacco, or is it in the chemical additives in cigarettes?

it is a lifelong known fact that nicotine is tobacco's drug ingredient. sorry, my 'net is dial-slow-up... if you google nicotine, there are some interesting articles about all the effects of nicotine. many good or pleasant, except CANCER related ones! if it is for homework, don't try to convince on the positives of smoking. a lot of other things (paper for starters) is in cigaret smoke.
Nicotine is in the leaf itself whether it is smoked or chewed.It is an unusual note also that nicotine is also a poison all by itself.That should have been a warning.
Nicotine is produced by the tobacco plant itself, it is not added later in the process, although there has been a great deal of effort by the tobacco companies devoted to breeding tobacco with higher levels of nicotine over the years.
nicotine is the actual tobacco which makes you addicted with the cigerrate along with tar to coat your lungs and carbon minoxide,a bad gas to replace your oxygen.I learnt this from school from my Discover textbook.
nicotine is the actual tobacco which makes you addicted with the cigerrate along with tar to coat your lungs and carbon minoxide,a bad gas to replace your oxygen.I learnt this from school from my Discover textbook.