Is Obama Over-Stepping His Bounds? Your Opinion.?


New member
Jun 4, 2008
Obama has been waltzing around Europe making speaches and speaking with leaders in Iraq about troup withdrawal. Today's headline read: "Obama urges Iran to accept EU proposal on nuclear program".

All I can help but think is, "Who does he think he is?!" Does anyone else besides me think Obama is being presumptious? He's not president yet - and I really don't think it's in good taste for him to strut around Europe like the election is a done deal.
ps. if it makes a difference, I am a Democrat. But I'm seriously thinking of voting for McCain.
Pyar - if i'm a Democrat I can't vote for McCain?! I can't believe you would say that! Isn't that what America is all about? Being free to vote for anyone? I don't always vote along party lines, and thank God I don't have to.
first you need to show me where he says he is the president,

he has the right in my opinion to travel the world as a citizen of the world and speak to who ever he wants

Obama is achieving more than all candidates, and McCain won't shut up about it.

i'm tired of McCain and his childish ways
Obama thinks he has this election sealed up. The media is in love with him. Every liberal treats him like the Messiah. It's gone to his head. He's a liar. He flip flops his ideas.
He is trying to show is "ahem" foreign policy expertise.
It is out of line and by passing over the military bases - treasonous!
Umm apparently you aren't quite up to date on a few things. McCain already was over there doing the same thing, when Clinton and Obama were still battling it out.
A round-about answer to your question....

I just think it's a bit ironic how very few politicians from other nations cruise the globe to give speeches in foreign lands to advance their own platform.

When's the last time the head of another nation came to your city to stomp?

I'd be tempted to put Obama in the same category as Hollywood actors who do the same.

I believe that unless you actually have the ability to make a change and carry the support of your nation with you, you should stay home and leave that job up to the one who does. Drumming for support should be done at home.