Is our friendship finished: my friend doesn't smile or laugh around me anymore?


New member
Sep 21, 2011
I met this friend this semester. We're both guys, 19 years old. We had a disagreement on Facebook about him disliking facial expressions when other guys text him and he wanted me to stop and I did, which is strange because I know LOTS of straight guys who use :)<--- or ^__^<--- ...After I came out to him as bisexual, he seemed to still be cool with me. I am not sexually attacted to him and I told him that. He listened to what I have to say and said he doesn't think I like him like that, which is cool. He said something like this to me before things got awkward: "I'm not expecting u to be straight, I just feel it's inappropriate for guys to use facial expressions. Just act normal, ok?" He seems to dislike it from all guys though, he maybe likes it a little from girls, and yes, he rarely uses facial expressions himself. He also thinks I'm using my hardships in life due to being bi as an excuse for a poor math placement. This really hurt me. How can someone who listened to me talk about this one time think I'm using this as an excuse? I told him why I was placed in lower math than him. I told him I went to a crappy high school environment and he agreed that a bad environment entails ppl to perform poorly. DUHHH! If you're in a bad environment, you have to be pretty dang ambitious/special to make it through life. I've been picked on my whole life for being bi. For someone who sounded understanding in the beginning really hit me when he thinks I'm using excuses. He told me I should never use something that I couldn't change as an excuse, ever! Anyway, after that disagreement on Facebook, when he sees me in class, he makes small talk with me and greets/sits next to me, etc.

A month since the argument, after class when I tried to talk to him, he didn't seem like he wanted to talk about it: "yeah, w/e." then walked away. Then I said "if you don't wanna talk, fine. Laters." If he CHOOSES to sit next to me in class, I'm assuming he still wanna be friends with me? Maybe he just needs some space. The semester ends in 2 weeks though, and our class only meets once a week for 3 hours. He's not just a random classmate, he seems like a good friend, or after the fight, he would sit far away from me just to avoid me, but he didn't. Something else he doesn't know yet is that a girl that he talks to in class (he doesn't have a crush on her) is a beyotch, so I avoid my friend and this girl whenever this girl approaches. My friend may mistakenly think I'm trying pulling an attitude on him! I don't know how to save this friendship. I want to save it because this friendship does NOT seem one-sided.