Is prom overated?

wow, no, it's a waste of money, i talk to lots of people and they all say too much work and wont give a shit in 20 years
my junior prom sucked, so i skipped my senior prom, which was when all my junior friends went, and they had a blast. but do i regret it? not really.
I thought it said Porn and I voted No. =[

But yes Prom is overrated but I guess it depends on who you ask.
hmmm go to senior prom and pay 150$ or so for the night and get laid


pay 50$ for a weekend pass for the Detroit Electronic music festival, and have 3 days of partying and still get laid...

why does prom and demf have to fall on the same weekend
wait, shouldn't you spend more on a girlfriend you've had for 2 years since you know her and like her that much more?
i played at DZ indoor, on my prom night.

Do i regret it? NO, i mowed fools on a friday night. Not much is better than that
dont have prom in canada but i think guys dgaf i wouldnt care too but i think its something for girls.
I wish prom was like what it was in the movies.... instead its an over priced boring ass, sober, were all u do is talk about whats going down after the dance... which isnt even a dance because only a hands full of people actually dance. (im a bad ass dancer so of course i was one of them)

The only good thing was the endless chocolate covered strawberry's! :tup:
While I had a great time at the three proms I attended it was quite overpriced and I lol'd when a guy can rent a tux for about 80 bucks but a girl MUST buy a fucking dress for 200-300 bucks and use it for one night.