is running your car with water through electrolysis really true and effecective?


New member
Jul 28, 2008
i have read tons and tons of articles on the net about the technology of running your car on part water and part fuel through electrolysis and to the intake manifold, is it really true? or only scams and bullshits? if it is true, for every plus there is always a minus, so what are it's disadvantages? I am very curious about this technology. I come from the Philippines, are the materials needed available here? Our fuel price for Premium unleaded as of July 28,2008 is around $5 to the gallon if converted since we use liters. Your help would really be highly appreciated.. Thank you.
I have been researching this technology for some time and feel that the technology claims more than it can deliver.

Here is some real information. I found this site to be a major source of "GOOD" information about fuel saving devices and fuel additives. He has a page on Hydrogen Converters that is very good.

There is also some information to be gleaned on "Hypermiling" which is a techique of driving which is supposed to help in gas consumption.
I have been researching this technology for some time and feel that the technology claims more than it can deliver.

Here is some real information. I found this site to be a major source of "GOOD" information about fuel saving devices and fuel additives. He has a page on Hydrogen Converters that is very good.

There is also some information to be gleaned on "Hypermiling" which is a techique of driving which is supposed to help in gas consumption.
I just asked a similar question to find out if a HHo conversion kit would work. I see the manuals everywhere on the web but cant find anyone who has actually tried one. Simply search " Brown gas" or " HHO gas" and you will get a bunch of sites. You tube even has a news clip of a guy using it. Sorry I am not answering your question but hopefully someone will answer both of ours.